Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Events, Events, Events

On Saturday, Nathanial was sworn in as Chicksa 202 Lodge Chief. We are very proud of him. He has many goals and dreams for the Lodge this year. The event happened at the Annual Lodge Banquet. Before the banquet, there were classes. My guys were involved in the Drum, Singing Team. It was very well attended, in fact, they had to move to a bigger room. I happened to call Dan and was fortunate enough to hear the lovely sound of the drum and their chanting voices. Nate was busy all day making plans.

On Sunday evening, the girls (Mary, Abby & Bethany) and I went to Miss Christina's for a Sea Ship sleepover (the females only). We introduced Miss Laura to Jane Austen. We watched the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, then we watched the Ballywood version "Bride and Prejudice". Miss Christina had a board game called "Bethumped". It is a word trivia game. It was a quite enjoyable time.

On Monday, George came and picked us up. The guys (George, Nic, Nate, & Ben) were in Oxford building a sign for the Food Pantry. It was a scout service project. When George picked us up, we then joined the guys. They were at Sister Karr's (kids know her as Grandma Maxine) she is my 5th cousin twice removed and turns 80 this year. She need work done on her property (brush cut and pine needles raked). I got to visit with her, which was very enjoyable. Her and I had a good time catching up on many things.

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