Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April is almost gone

Well, somehow life has speed on by.
I can't seem to stay at home.
Trying to get this, that and the other thing done.
Kids going rock climbing at Tishimingo State Park (a couple of times), getting driver's licenses, renewing learner's permits, getting new permits, opening checking accounts...man that does include the home stuff.  
Working on our garden beds, trying to get them sunlight via cutting down trees; starting herb seeds; starting new herb gardens in the shape of medicine wheel (facing closely to the 4 directions); cleaning up the property and household chores.
Then on to prepping for YW camp, BSA camp (6 out of the 9 of us are teaching).
Frustrations of not finding our path for the rest of our life yet.
No real routine yet, with Dan home, I am not always sure what day it is.
Blessed that all we had was severe wind and rain; whereas others in our state were devastated by tornadoes.
Hopefully, I will get focused soon and blog more...but don't hold your breath, I would hate to be responsible for someones death :)
Wishing the best to all.

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