Sunday, May 9, 2010

In To May

Well, May seems to be not starting so good for many folks.
The first weekend of May brought rain and more rain and rain; not a nice gentle spring rain either.  Torrential downpours that cost a few their lives, many their homes, roads and their places of employment.  The effects were felt into the next week.  Leaving me stranded at home, not because I had high water or damage. But because Clarksville, TN had so many problems.  I was suppose to go up and spend a couple days with Jen and her family in celebration of what would be Maggie's 2nd birthday.  Each day I hoped but there was no hope and then my schedule got full.
Tensions are running high, I am feeling overwhelmed, really could have used that visit with Jen.
The first weekend in May was also Camp Yocona Staff training.  I had applied back before Dan got laid off.  I was officially hired as Ecology Director.  So that means for 4 weeks, myself and 2 youth will be teaching 12 merit badges.  So I have spent the week off and on out at camp, trying to figure out ways to improve the Ecology area.  Ecology has a bad rep; it has been boring.  So the job is to make it fun.  We will be teaching things like reptile/amphibian study, bird study, insect study, mammal study, fishing, fish/wildlife management (get that picture); then we have environmental science, forestry, astronomy, nature, energy, weather and soil/water conservation.  So the challenge begins.
At the beginning of this week, when I went to Curves I found out I had lost very little weight but had lost 5 inches total.  Of course, in this imperfect world I live in, 2 of those inches were from where I didn't want to lose. But the other 3 were the reason I can get into 1 size down on my jeans.  I also had them change my workout. I am now doing the Plus Personalized routine, which will be a much harder and a more intense workout.  I need to increase my stamina before camp.
I guess that is about it.

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