Saturday, December 25, 2010


Well, this has been a truly different but similar Christmas this year.
Thanks to Tiffany and her husband, Kimball... Dan was able to come to Clarksville for Christmas.

So on Christmas Eve, we had Christmas dinner here with Jen, while in Sardis the rest of the family had Christmas dinner at Tiff's house.
I miss those in Sardis, but am enjoying Jen's family.

Of course, the best thing for me is to see Dan.  I am not whole without him.
The bad news is I got the cold everyone else has been passing around.  So I am not feeling 100%.

The good news or interesting news is It snowed, this is our first white Christmas in 21 years.  The funny thing is Sardis, also got snow.  I was woke up to the cell phone ringing, it was a dear friend who is due in 2 weeks.  Her water had broke, I was her midwife for 2 of her previous children and just a friend in attendance for her last.  Praying she has a good and easy birth today, knowing her though she will wait until 5 am on the 26th.

More good news is we will be grandparents again in August of 2011. The hint on who, I saw the pregnancy test this morning.

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