Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year 2011

Who knows what it will bring?????
I know last year this time, I never would have expected Dan to be jobless.  I was prepared for my father-in-laws death; because his health went downhill the Thanksgiving before.  I never expected Dan and I to work and survive BSA Summer Camp, but we did.  I never expected changes that I would be so unsure about, but they have happened also.
So right now, I know not what to expect.
I know that I am currently employed.  My first real hours start tomorrow.
I am living apart from my better half.  Which is proving much harder than I expected.
I am trying desperately to find what direction Dan and I need to go in, because I feel that we have not always thought it through.  I feel we have gone the directions, we were swept.
I so miss old friendships, but I am not ready to form new.
I appreciate the support I am being given (you know who you are) and the love so many have for me and mine.
So we will see about the whats, wheres, whos, whys and how comes our life will take.
I am relying on the inner strength of Dan/I to know what is right and do it.

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