Sunday, July 17, 2011

2011 Camp Yocona

Well, we are home from our Camp Yocona vacation (working vacation).
It was a good 4 weeks of teaching young men.
Ecology has grown in resources, thanks to Johnny Price's donation getting abilities and the building skills of John Ray, Jonathon Smith, Skyler Ray and Charlie Smith.  We have the first of 2 aquarium/habitat sections.  And have a promise from a building supply group to help put in the second one.  WoooHooo!!!!
I enjoyed the staff, missed quite a few of the past staff members.  Really missed my sons, but acquired a few new young men as sons.  There were the normal ups and downs.  And a few not so normal ones.  But we all survived life at camp.  The younger (than me) staff kept me up and entertained and felling loved.
I lost my speckled king snake, he kept getting out of his cage and finally totally escaped.  But I caught a rat snake, he was in the rafters of ecology (i.e. his name is Rafters).  Dan let me get a baby Ball Python and a baby Corn Snake.  I also brought home a huge aquatic turtle, we named Chicksa (after our OA lodge).  I have 2 long tailed lizards (Fric and Frac) and an anole lizard (Nolie).  3 new toads and 2 fence lizards.  So my house is looking very much like a herpetarium.  I made contact to get another Corn Snake and a Red-tipped Ball Python. Daughter knows someone who might be getting rid of some lizards and snakes.  Man, I really  need to live across the street from Yocona.  (Anyone know someone who would finance 5 acres, if I can find it close.)
Bethany did absolutely great this year.  She has overcome her fear of snakes.  She was helpful.  She can't wait until 2013 when she can CIT at camp.
Dan had his usual hot summer, no electricity so no fans at shooting sports.  Him and David (the director) have a funny relationship.  They are fun to watch.  The kids really seem to enjoy "chiefdan".
I truly feel blessed to be able to work at Camp Yocona.
Now to start working on next year program and a few details in my own life.  Hope everyone has had a good summer.

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