Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Next Birthday

24 hours and almost 10

Well, let's see. The first birthday of the year is our oldest; then the second one is our youngest.
Her father introduces her as "Quits"!
Our Bethany is a gift from God and He told me of her coming before her brother, Andrew was even born.
It was difficult to be pregnant at 42/3; after having had 13 pregnancies (9 live-births, 1 term-stillbirth and 2 miscarriages). I worried about something going wrong, like with her brother.
I went to a doctor for some prenatal care, but still planned on having a UC (unassisted childbirth). But in the end, I panicked and she was born in a hospital. Her birth was not easy, I am a quick pusher and instead pushed for 2 hours with her. She decided (probably because of my loose abdominal muscles and position) to come in a brow presentation.
But she is here and we are grateful. She turned 10. So our baby turned double digits!

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