Wednesday, April 15, 2009

End March-Beginning April

So what have we been up to?
Nate and Dan went to an Order of the Arrow Leadership training in the Asheville NC area.
On the homefront, we have been cleaning the yard, working on our Square Foot Garden area and Native American areas.
We have Snow Peas coming up around the Lodge we are building. I planted some Dusty Miller plants to catch the Moonlight. I have some teeny tiny herb plants, mainly smudging and medicinal so far. I got in my order of sample seed packets from Le Jardin du Gourmet. I am anxious to get some of them started. I plan on going to the feed store this weekend and get some of my veggie seeds. I will be glad when spring hangs in there. But unfortunately, I know summer (hot) weather will move in fast.
So basically if it isn't raining, we try to be outside, unless it is cold. The skinny people don't tolerate it well and even though I am fat and perimenopausal, I don't do cold well either. Dan is the only one, who loves the cold.
I have been fortunate and have been able to continue to hit nice days to do my laundry. Oh, how I love the smell of line dried clothes.
The male contingent are preparing to leave for the OA Conclave this weekend. That is being held in Johnson City, TN; it will be a bit of a drive but I am sure they will have a good time. They are taking a few of the other young men from the Chapter with them.
I guess the other thing is, we are involved in forming another Venturing Crew. A BSA Venturing Crew is for youth 14-21. The crew will focus on Native American Studies. Nicholas is the Venturing Adult Advisor and I will be his Assistant Advisor. The youth will focus on Music (drumming, chanting, flute) Lifestyle (apparel, daily living) and Crafts ( beading, weaving, making of garments). They will also be going camping, doing COPE events and other fun stuff. So it ought to be an adventure.
On the midwifery front, I have a friend due beginning of May, the girls (Jen and Tiff) due beginning of July and a new friend due in beginning of September. So I am On-call now, then a small break beginning of June, then back on call mid-June, then a break after the girls until mid-August, then back on call until the September baby comes. Excuse that poor grammar :) Of course, then all the fall Boy Scout stuff starts. My calendar is a nightmare.
So I will have to think about things and get back to you. Have a good one.

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