Monday, July 13, 2009

Review of May, June and Beginning of July

During May, Nate and Dan received their Woodbadge beads. Woodbadge is special adult training in scouting. They had to set goals and accomplish them after their training weekends.

Nate is the youngest in our council to receive them and the only lodge chief. The joke is Nate maybe a bit over trained. He has gone to NYLT, NLT, Woodbadge and possibly something else but my brain is lagging.
At the end of May, Nick was sent to BSA National Camp School in Missouri. He is now a Certified COPE Director. Council didn't have a way to get him back, so I went to get him. Fortunately for me, it was a couple hours from my dear friend Tina Miller. So I went a few days early to visit with her. Abby and Bethany went with me. Tina has 12 acres with chickens, milking animals, garden, etc. So Bethany go to gather eggs and milk a cow or try and work a big garden. I enjoyed my time with Tina, we laughed and cried and shared the events of the past 10 years. I can't let it be so long between visits.
Also in May, we went out and set Andrew's headstone.

Well, June what can I say. ALOT of trips to Camp Yocona. First taking George, Nick, Nate and Ben out there. Then picking them up on the couple weekends they came home. And of course, Sunday and Wednesday night campfires. We can't miss those. Sunday night is when the Staff does skits to introduce themselves, so I have to watch my guys. Then Wednesday night is the Order of the Arrow campfire, by far my favorite time, especially since my guys and gal, Abby are on the drum/singing team. But I really enjoy it more when my Nate dances, he is a grass dancer. And I love to watch him dance as his brothers drum and sing.
This year, Nate and Ben were honored by being tapped out for Vigil, which is given by a group of their peers and the highest honor able to be received.
We (Dan, Mary, Abby and I) had Young Women's camp during Vigil week. So we left YW camp about 4pm and got back about 1am. So that we could see the guys tapped out and Abby sing.
During this month, we also had a sad event. My cousin, Doug Crofford passed away. He was only 44 years old. It was sad to see his children (twin girls and son) grieve the loss of their father. His lovely wife held up beautifully. My heart broke for Uncle Leo and Aunt Ruth because it is hard to lose a child.
My daughter Tracy came from NC to stay with Bethany during YW camp week. Her youngest is Bethany's age. Plus her son was going to Boy Scout camp at our camp.
So now on to July. PS forgot Granddaughter Jamie had her birthday this month.
So we have 2 grandbabies due around the 4th of July. One living just up the driveway down the street and the other 5 hours away in Clarksville, TN. Plus the boys and grandson come home from camp on the 3rd.
Well as luck would have it, grandbaby #1 decides to come on 3rd of July. So I have daughter laboring and getting close when sons call ready to be picked up. This is the grandbaby who just lives up the hill. So grandpa, Dan misses the birth to go get our guys. Yes, it is a homebirth. And a home waterbirth at that. So Cassandra Morgan Marston makes her arrival on the 3rd of July, weighing in at 8 pounds 2 ounces and 19.5 inches long.
Of course, the 4th was full of food and fireworks. The grandson decides he likes being here at this time of year. Between us, son-in-law Kimball, son Daniel and neighbors; our street was popping.
Daughter left to head back to NC on the 6th and I decided to go to Clarksville. Because Jen was overdue and without transportation. Their van wouldn't start when son-in-law went to go to work. So on the 10th of July in the wee hours after on again off again labor and some very difficult labor, our second granddaughter was born. Weighing in at 8 pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches, we welcomed Rebecca LeAnne Morrison.
Abby was suppose to stay, but had a respiratory cold and I wouldn't leave her with a newborn in the house. So if this post reads alittle off, it is because my editor is still sick. I will have her look it over, when she is better.
Nick worked down on the Gulf for a week. Tried some new things, liked a few and can do without a few.
So what is next......
Nick just left with his friend (our newest adopted child) Michael to Arkansas for a visit with Michael's grandfather.
Nate and Ben will be going back out to camp for a few days to take BSA Lifeguard training.
There is the first Post Camp OA Ordeal and Vigil Ordeal this month.
Then at the end of the month, I will run Nate up to NOAC a day early because he will be on staff. Ben and Michael will be going with the contingent from the council. That will take us into the first week of August. They get home and then have the second OA Ordeal immediately.

Life is always busy and many times to full.
Have a good one.

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