Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ending of Summer 2009

Well, the summer of 2009 is coming to an end. We will officially start up our homeschooling after Labor Day weekend. That is when I started as a kid back in Virginia Beach.
Last of July
Let us see if this feeble old brain can remember (all right children behave with those snickers).
The guys had their first post camp OA Ordeal. Nate and Ben went through their Vigil Ordeal. For those that know nothing about Scouting or OA (Order of the Arrow an honor society in scouting). Vigil is the highest level in OA. There is candidate, arrowmen, brotherhood and vigil. The first is elected by your Scouting unit. The next two are earned by doing certain things, going through the ordeal and time in service. The last is an honor thing, a vigil committee decides if you should get it. Not everyone gets it. So I am very proud that the boys received this honor.
Then I dropped Ben to stay with Michael for a couple of days. And then they could go meet the other guys in council going to NOAC (National Order of the Arrow Conference). I then headed straight on up to Jen's in Clarksville. Nate had to be at NOAC a day ahead because he was serving on the Chief's Core (staff). We spent the night and the next morning, I drove him up to Bloomington, Indiana. I came straight back (long, Long day in the car). Bethany stayed with Jen and got to enjoy Jen's girls for the day and evening. The next afternoon, Bethany and I headed home. So ended July.
P.S. Jen had a birthday, 2 days before I got there ( shhh, but someone turned 30). I now have a multitude of grandchildren birthdays in July, in order Cassie and Becca (new ones) then Pene, Wesley and Andy (the 3 year olds).
So, NOAC ends, Nick and I go to pick up Nate and Ben. Their ETA kept getting pushed back. So poor Nick spent the whole day (Thursday) with me roaming around Tupelo area. They get in from NOAC, do laundry and repack. The guys have the second post camp OA Ordeal that weekend. Then they all 3 leave to go work on the Gulf for a week with Miss Julie (park surveys).
They come home, Nick is much darker, so is Ben. But poor Nate is sunburned. He forgot sunblock one day. So when you see that sign, asking you to stop for a park survey, have mercy on those poor people. They are probably bored sitting out there in the weather most of the time alone.
So everyone is home. We have been catching up on all the camp, OA and work stuff. We are piddling and trying to get things done here.
Ooops, I almost forgot Daniel and Mary had birthdays this month. Daniel is over 30 and Mary is over 25 :) Granddaughter Sarah turned 10, so Tiff is getting up there also.
General State of Whatever
Garden didn't hold up against the deer. Oh well, we will try again. The potato tower didn't produce at all :( I will try that one more time. I am stubborn like that. I am going to try a couple fall crops.
We have had the mildest summer I can remember. I wonder if a cold winter is coming. I am going to prepare as if it will be.
Well, I need to get to work. Everyone be good, safe, happy and fulfilled.

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