Monday, April 5, 2010

April Is Here

Well, in many ways March was a lost month.
We never got into a routine of Dan being home.
Dan and I went to Jackson, MS to attend a meeting about helping get a law for midwifery.  We stayed the night and then meandered our way home the next day.
Most things are pretty status quo, meetings and activities.
Nick went rock climbing with council friends in Jackson Falls, IL.  Nick, Nate, Ben, Daniel II and a friend are going to Tishomingo this weekend to climb.  Nick evidently is a natural climber and makes it look graceful.  We will see how the other guys like it.
We did take the girls to the Memphis Zoo one day, all day.  I had gone to Curves the day before and then went back when Tiff signed up.  So 2 workouts in one day, then at the zoo from 10-5.  The next day, I was tired.
So I guess that is about all.

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