Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Last Week -- Still Ill and Started Unemployment This Week

Well, again this past week, I was unable to go to Curves.  I managed to help run the kids to where ever and some of the grocery shopping.  But alas, just didn't have the breathe to do the exercise machines.  Coughing and mucous have reduced and breathing has improved.  So maybe tomorrow.
This week started off with a bang or thud, not sure which yet.
Before I could get out the door to go "try" Curves.  Dan called and said "I quit".  Now he does this on a regular basis.  Then he told me the truth.  He was called on his way to work and told to come to the office.  When he got to the office, bam without warning, he was laid off.  He was on his way home with one of the guys from the office, to empty his work van of his personal tools and stuff.  So now we have joined the ranks of the unemployed in this country.  What are we going to do?  That is the big question.
This could mean a move...we will see.  This could mean me working and cutting back on things.  This could mean self-employment.  All of our options are being looked at.  But no matter what, it will mean changes for everyone in our household.  Some may be easy but I figure most will be hard.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hate bad news. Hopefully this will be a good opportunity for him to find an open window and do something he really likes so he doesn't frequently wish he could quit! We will be praying for your family.
