Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I am almost 54 years old and very tired of controlling people or institutions.
There is a battle brewing in our state.  It is about WHO can practice Midwifery and WHO should oversee it.
Who are the WHOs?  It is the insurance companies and medical professional organizations.  They are the ones WHO stand to lose when someone chooses to homebirth.  The parents don't lose.  Even in a extremely tough labor, when a homebirth occurs it is a triumph.  Yes, when it fails it is a soul searching experience.  But even in a hospital when things don't go a planned it is a soul searching experience.  That is what life is, searching and finding answers.
Let me tell you, it is a PARENTS responsibility to decide the whens, hows, wheres and whoms of THEIR family.  It is not the responsibility of the STATE.  It is not the responsibility of my neighbor or the woman down the street or the doctor in town to tell me what to do with my life or the lives of my children. Yes, I know there are abuses and there are people who choose unwisely.  I have had contact with a few in my life.  And some may even consider many of my choices wrong, but they are MY choices made between my husband and myself.  And many of my poor choice stem from me not inflicting my will and dreams on others.
This battle has been raging since the '70s when women started saying "NO" to the typical birthing environment. Medical regulation probably started with the AMA, after all that is when alternative healing started being squashed.  We are the product of many generations of women birthing without men or doctors.  Yes babies and mothers died just as they do now.  The mortality rates are not and have not improved during the time of my childbearing years for all of the medical claims it would.
Yes, there are risks in pregnancy and birth.  But there are unknown risks to me walking up to my car, to getting in said car and driving somewhere.  If a parent is truly "INFORMED" of the risks, which includes disclosure of the birth attendants skills; and they choose her and home.  LEAVE THEM ALONE.  They are the ones who have to live with the choices made.  I am sure that most hospitals/doctors do not disclose the risks "they" present.  They think they have it under control.  But the truth is they are not the ones in control.  They have mothers and babies who die.
More times than not when personal freedoms start being regulated it is because a "Special Interest" group wants the money or prestige involved in the event.
I believe that if I practice midwifery without making sure that a family fully knows what training or expericence I have THEN I am infringing on their personal freedoms.  They cannot be fully aware of the riskes.  If I tell all then they are assuming the risks and know in their hearts what they want.
All of my births have been made knowing my options at the time.  I am not saying they have always been what I planned or dreamed of because they haven't.  But life is about change and growth and that come with choices.  At the current rate government will regulate oour personal lives to the point that we will have NO choices.  Which will equal no change and no growth, which in turn makes us ?WHAT?  DRONES/CLONES/Cookie Cutter People
Minorities shouldn't take away a Majorities rights and visa versa.

People pay attention to our lawmakeers and the "special interest" groups.
Be informed and make your own choices but also be Mindful of one thing...
"AM I taking AWAY Someone Else's Choice"

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