Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Week of Illness

Life has been complicated, stressful and just crummy here.
The kids who went to Winterfest were ill within a few days of coming home, so last week on the illness front was tough.
BUT then on late Sunday evening and the wee hours of Monday morning illness started to take hold on me.  I felt so bad, I sent George to get grandson Andy (who was out of school that day).  Within hours I crashed and burned, I literally thought I was on fire.  My basal body temperature has ALWAYS been low.  When we did NFP (Natural Family Planning, don't laugh and no snide remarks), I had to reset the charts because they didn't go low enough.  So a fever just knocks me on my arse.  Supposedly my Grandaddy (Victor Crofford) didn't tolerate fevers either.  The higher it gets the more delirious I get, I know that is normal for everybody, I just hit it at a lower number.
So my week has been spent in bed with headache, fever, throwing up, diarrhea and now chest cough/congestion.  I am still not on top of my game but fighting to get there.  I thought succumbing would get me better faster and so far it hasn't.  So maybe now I just need to bulldozer through as best I can and pray I don't get sicker.  Because frankly I am tired of this "vacation" or so some people think it is. There are dishes to do, meals to fix, vacuuming to do and just generally keeping the house together.  I wish I could say "they can't live with out me" but the truth is they don't care about the same things I do.  Many days here lately I realize how much I have failed in raising my children.  Enough of that.
So I have lost weight (not in a good way), wasn't able to make it to Curves all week, am still running fever & breathing hurts & slight headache (but tend to function with them anyway), got DSL internet yesterday (so now I may start posting some pics & vids).
Generally a Lost Cause Week in the Cerveny Home.

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