Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another Week Down, Many More to Come

So another busy week in our lives is done, sort of.  Because honestly, we are never done or through with anything.
Sunday, I started getting a headache during church.  Then Sunday evening, much earlier than we planned, the kids got home from Winterfest.  A great time was had by all, even though it sounds like their bumms were in the snow alot.  The plan of attack for next year is to get there earlier and get more skiing and sight-seeing in.
By Monday morning, the headache was progressing to the migraine from hell.  I ran a couple quick errands and it didn't take long and I was down for the count.  I struggled with it and finally succumbed.  Changed my clothes and crawled into bed and covered my head. Really the only reason I went out that morning was because at 7am, we were greeted to the sound for ice tinkling on the porch.  Unsure of what the weather would progress to, I figured I better take care of a couple things.  Dan was able to work, doing jobs out of the Jackson, MS office.  With all the snow that has been hitting around us, he hasn't missed any work.  The Memphis office has had to close twice and Jackson was closed Friday.
So one of my laments has been all around me in the state has been getting snow and at best, we have gotten a little ice but mostly rain.  My ground is so soggy. And I want the pretty white stuff.
So between migraine and weather, I didn't make it to Curves on Monday. 
Tuesday morning Abby had to speak at a FOS Breakfast.  FOS is Friends of Scouting, it is basically an appeal to the local businessmen to contribute to scouting financially.  Abby was the lead speaker, representing Venturing; she was followed by a Boy Scout and some Cub Scouts.  From the reports I received she did wonderfully.  But it really doesn't surprise me.  Dan took her because I had been hurting so bad the previous day.  Tuesday was a total loss for me, the major pain had passed but I felt like somoeone had "drug me through a knothole backwards".
On Wednesday, I got out to Curves. Yippee.  I still remembered how to do the various machines.  Then I went to lunch with a friend.  Came home got a couple things done, then took Bethany and Abby in for their Wednesday night meetings at church.
Thursday, I got on out to Curves again, to make up for missing Monday.  Did a few errands.  Came home to try to accomplish as much as possible before going to District Banquet.   This is another scouting event.  Yes, our life revolves around scouting. Tiffany and Cassie came down for a visit. Went to the Banquet, visited, ate and listened to all that is being done in the district.  While Dan and I went to put gas in car and pick up a few groceries, the boys went over to JP's (our District Exec) to talk about the weekend coming and summer camp.  Oh, yeah, I cut Nick and Nate's hair before going also.  Nate's had really grown out and looked like a flaming bush on his head :)  Nick's hair just starts curling everywhere when it gets to long.  Ben is still holding to his long straight hair. He is so cute.
Friday, we were unsure what we would have weatherwise.  They were calling for snow, but again it alluded Sardis/Batesvile area.  The goals that day were to go to Curves, to do some specific shopping (delicate nature and won't embarrass people), get laundry dried (dryer needs a part and haven't gotten it so laundromat time) and cook dinner before guys leave about 5.  With the help of Mary all was accomplished.  I think I could have done it but I started hurting about noon.  My body started rebelling, it wanted to know "what are you thinking working out 3 days in a row"?  The soreness just kept getting worse as the day progressed.  Dan, Nate and Ben got off to their OA LLD (Order of the Arrow Lodge Leadership Development) weekend.  They had their stuff and were feed.  I spent the evening watching Heroes Season 3 with those at home, then went to bed.
Today, I wish I could say the multitude of things I planned for today were getting done but alas, they are not.  Abby is really starting to cough bad.  I am coughing and have a headache and drainage.  Not to mention that I slept horribly.  I never learn, Bethany and Abby slept in bed with me, since their dad was gone.  Abby and I slept on the edges and were steamrolled by Bethany all night.  Heaven help the man she marries, if she doesn't start sleeping stiller.  Well, the guys will be home after 5ish.  There will be dinner to prepare, a list for Dan on the way home, and hopefully a couple of things accomplished around here.
The great news is I accomplished my goal of going 3 days a week to Curves for 2 straight weeks now, my jeans I bought 3 weeks ago don't fit me the same.  And most days I feel better than my normal.
All of you out there have a blessed week, or at least try.

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