Friday, February 5, 2010

Week's Goings On

Alot of running to make sure all was ready for kids to go to Winterfest. They are on the road today, I am looking forward to the reports of how their ski weekend goes.
Tuesday, we had crew meeting, it was of course about Winterfest and a few upcoming events. They also decided to volunteer at the Hot Air Balloon Event in Tupelo (community service).
Wednesday was "New Beginnings" a church event of Young Women. Parents were invited, Alexis (one of the young women) planned the event and did a vary good job.
Thursday more running for supplies and Nick had a last minute meeting in Tupelo. They are going to do COPE events at AdventureBase 2010, which is next month.
Today, I sleep in.
We only had 2 sunny days this week. Gray and rainy is terrible for my mood.
The good news is I went to Curves on Monday, Wednesday and today, as planned. The goal is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the month of February. They only weigh and measure once a month, so that won't be until the 1st of March. I actually am feeling better from the exercise, which is no small feat with me starting my cycle this week. They also don't start you on the CurvesSmart program until you have been 10 times. It is a faster pace program and the machines keep you on track and tell you if you aren't doing something right. I think I will wait till March, at least before starting that. My goal is 3 days a week for the next month or two. Then move on to 4 days for a month or two. Then 5 days from then on. So I will keep you posted.

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