Monday, February 1, 2010


Many of you who have known me my whole life know that 35 years ago, I weighed 120 lbs soaking wet. Mind you that was too thin but now at 260, I am too fat. Morbidly so.
I am determined to get down to what is considered an ideal weight. Which surprisingly I was just shy 5 pounds of 35 years ago at 68 inches. So the recommended weight for 66 inches (I shrank) will be 118-167 pounds and BSA allowable exception is 168-201 pounds. So I am thinking the first goal will be 200, then I will work in 25 pound increments until I am happy and comfortable.
So what am I going to do. I started out by trying to do Wii Fit Plus at home. But I found I was uncomfortable with people in the house. And there is no privacy.
So I joined Curves. It will make me do it, because I am spending Dan's hard earned money. It will give me time away from the house and children.
But hopefully the most important thing will be I will lose weight and feel healthier.
Today was my first day. I didn't feel stressed doing the workout. My knees are bothering me, but that could also be the very cold temps. It was 27 degrees when I left and only 29 when I got back. Thank you Mr. Sunshine keep on warming. I started feeling tired abit after getting home. I think that is more due to poor sleep and sleeping habits. I will be working on that also. I am going to do Wii Fit on the days off from Curves.
I am going to be more cautious about what I eat, but I won't deny myself foods. Especially since I am working on my cooking skills and recipe variations.

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