Monday, January 18, 2010

A Year of OA

The past year has been eventful for my boys in OA. In case, you don't know what OA is, it's an Honor Society within Boy Scouts of America. Order of the Arrow members are supposed to promote fellowship, leadership and service within their ranks and community.
In November of 2008 Nathanial was elected lodge chief. His term was up in November 2009. During the year, Nate went to several trainings within the Southern Section. He worked hard to improve the Ordeals. He served as part of the Service Core at NOAC (National OA Conference). He did the best he could to improve the lodge. He received Vigil Honor. To his surprise and ours (his proud parents), he received the Founder's Award for all his hard work in council. He was also presented with an OA figurine that is very nice and limited edition.
Ben was also presented with Vigil Honor. He served as Coordinator of one of the Ordeals. He went to NOAC. He was Service Core at the Fall Camporee this year. Ben was elected as the Chicksa Chapter Chief in November. So begins his year of service. He is one of 5 Chapter Chiefs who will work with the new Lodge Chief.
All my guys received their service flaps for the year.
Dan is still the Chapter Advisor.
Our emotionally adopted son, Michael was elected as the new lodge chief. Good luck with your year of service to the Lodge.
The calendar is already filling with Scouting events.

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