Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Dear Father-in-law

Well, the thing I feared back at Thanksgiving happened.
My dear father-in-law passed from this plane of existence to the next. We received the call the evening of January 6th. I immediately started figuring out how to get Dan there. I of course cried, too many times I think I provide the tears for all events. Especially in my immediate home. I wish I could control it better, and believe it or not I do control it to a certain point (in other words kids, I could cry more).

My mind spun around and around remembering all the times, I had spent with him and regretting the times, we didn't make to be with him. I am also a regretter (yes, I know it isn't a word).

Once I determined the whos, whens and hows, we were on the road. Two hours later than I wanted to start off but on the road. We left on Thursday because Dan was already on vacation time due to a health issue. It would be Dan, myself, Abby, Bethany and Nick. Google map said 12 hour drive (I knew it would take longer). Bad weather was being predicted all the way to Cleveland, Ohio. I managed to drive 12.5 hours before becoming too tired. It had also become the worse part of the trip, icy/snowy roads (alittle more than this Southern girl knows about). Dan took over about 60 miles south of the destination.

Our destination was actually to Dan's youngest brother's (Mark) house. He and his lovely wife (Pam) had an extra room that we could crash in. Dan's sister Mary was willing to put us in a hotel. But I was grateful, to be able to stay with family. Family events are about sharing family history... the telling of stories and reliving the past. And it is not done as easily when you stay at a hotel.

Mark was 10 when Dan was drafted and left home. So they really don't know each other and we haven't been to Cleveland that many times. So it was a real get-to-know-you situation for the 2 families. Mark and Pam have 5 children, their oldest has left home. I think the thing that struck me the most was how many ways Dan and Mark are alike. As I watched (I love to watch people) and listened to Mark, I was also reminded of my father-in-law.

We visited with my mother-in-law (whom I love dearly and hold her in my heart preciously, especially after watching her bury a child and a husband in less than a year) and the rest of Dan's siblings.

It was great to visit, in spite of the sad circumstances. Thank you Dad for always making me feel as part of your family. Thank you for the son, you raised so true to his heart. You will be missed on this earth. Be at peace and prepare for us to come one day. Hug my son (your grandson) and my granddaughter (your great-granddaughter) for me and tell them I miss them. But know how much I love and appreciate you and will miss that smile you always had for me and the welcoming hug.
Gilbert Raymond Cerveny
Father of 9
Great Father-in-law

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