Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dan Home

Now normally, this isn't an issue. Dan and I enjoy each others company. I have always enjoyed extended time at home with him.
However, I am worried that by the end of the week, he and I may be grumpy.
You see, he is down. He has either a foot sprain or stress fracture. Which means, he is in a Post-operative foot boot and immobile for 7-10 days (as of Monday). We set him up a spot, that has a way of him propping his foot up, he can see the TV, and have his laptop.
Of course, I must say, he is doing better than I would. I would have eaten someone by today. I would be too bored.

1 comment:

  1. It is Gout not a strain/break. If the ER had done blood work, he would have been well sooner.
