Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reality of it ALL

The reality of it ALL is I am a dreamer.
I think I really try to do the things, I dream about.  But they rarely happen, because I get stalled.  I am trying desperately to figure out just what stalls me.
I know part of it is my brain, I get frustrated and overwhelmed (why can I never spell that word).  And then I just start shutting down.
That is where I am at today (Daisy don't call or anyone else, not even you mom, please).  There are just too many decisions too make, too many things to figure out and no energy to do it with.
I know that I am where I am because of past decisions and I can't change the past.  But how do I stop this horrible pattern I am in.
I am middle aged (hopefully) and don't feel I have accomplished much.
Sorry for the downer, but it is where I am.

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