Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Changes MUST be Made

Well, this has probably been coming to a head, well most of my life. I have felt unsettled and out of control and NO long term goals.
The household is going to have to change.
How???? Some things are simple, some are not BUT all can be accomplished, if we just stop being lazy.
Cerveny Household Goals
Figure out the College things
  1. I will need to enroll at NorthWest Community College for at least on semester, so that I can transfer to Mississippi State University.   I know many may think midwifery or something similar, but NOT.  I am looking at something in Environmental Science/Ecology area, possibly Forestry/Fish and Wildlife Management.
  2.  Dan wants to see about CLEP, Life Experience and Military Training applied to a degree.
  3.  Children need to do the prep necessary if they want to go to college.
  4.  This is the biggy, financing it.
Improve, Simplify and De-Clutter our Lives
  1. Clear out the house of "Stuff"
  2.  Clear off the property.
  3.  Decide what activities are truly priorities for us.  And purge the ones we are not that committed too.
  4.  Eat Healthier (possibly growing some and hopefully most of our food).
  5.  Exercise (set goals and become physically fit)

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