Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Double Nickel Bday

Well, mom how did you end up with such old children? March 10 will be my birthday, then later this month my baby brother turns 50, then in April my other brother turns 51 and in Sept. the baby girl turns 41.  Man, mom you are old :?   Mom called me for my birthday, to wish me a Happy Birthday and tell me she is not old :)
So what have I done and seen in my life?
I have seen gas go from 30 cents a gallon when I first started driving to $3.35 a gallon now.
I saw the Vietnam war and had a POW bracelet and my POW made it home.
I saw a Vice-President and President resign from office.
I have gone from being very conventional to very unconventional (I blame Dad because he taught me to question everything).
I have had friends come and go and some who just hang in there with me.
I have seen the death of all my grandparents.
I have seen the death of my father and father-in-law, a son and granddaughter.
I still have a great mother and a loving mother-in-law.
I have 12 wonderful children who I love but don't always like.
I have a gaggle of grandchildren, most of whom I have seen born.
I have been there to welcome a few children to this world.
I have studied a myriad of things and so far have not mastered anything.
But one of my greatest gifts has been the man who married me over 36 years ago.  He has been kind and understanding, supportive and generous, but has always loved me through thick and thin.
Life has its good and bads, its ups and downs but I am still here for at least another day :)