Friday, March 11, 2011

Thoughts about Sex

Okay Kids, Mom and Dan don't be embarrassed.  And yes, this is going out over the internet to be read by anyone.  So I am apologizing up front, if I offend anyone or hurt your feelings or embarrass you.

First off, sex is a natural instinct.  Our species will not survive if we don't have sex and babies.  And yes, the two do go together as a survival of the species thing.  But not all sex is for procreation, which is fine.  ALRIGHT, I am not professing "Free Love", even though I grew up in the '60s and '70s.  Sex is a part of our biological makeup, but we also must remember that WISDOM thing, too.
Sex unfortunately is one of those taboo subjects, like breastfeeding, cancer, I know there are others but I have drawn a blank at the moment.
Sex is also something that has caused persecution throughout the ages.  It is often thought of as dirty, in appropriate for some people. Religion and societal norms tend to cause the most problems.  We teach our youth to abstain and make them  Feel really bad when hormones take control and they lose control.  Religion even chastises, denounce and ignore you; to the point you never feel comfortable again, even if you "repent".  Now really how is this productive.  Not everyone bounces back from that sort of thing, so tell me what we have done.  We have damaged self-esteem and driven them away and have taken away their social group.
You can't discuss sex without discussing birth control, well I guess you could but it goes along for me.  Some religions discourage it and at the same time encourage a strong bond between husband and wife.  So, you have to decide between birth control and sex.  And if you decide, you want birth control and sex and have NO children then you are again persecuted.  If you decide to use no birth control and have sex regularly, you can end up with a house full of kids. And I can speak from personal experience they persecute you for having that house full.  One other thing, people need to procreate or we could become extinct or a planet of old people. So what is a couple to do, and yes I would prefer my children being in a monogamous relationship BUT I am a realist at this point in my life.
Sex is a personal choice, it is no one else's business, except when someone needs to understand what is going on in their lives. There are some people who like it, some that don't, some that it isn't an important part of their lives and their are some that it is a staple in their life.
So sex is here to stay, I think where the problem comes in is the way people talk about.  Sex is used as crude jokes, as an obscenity and as a tool to control people.  Until we as a people learn to talk about ALL those taboo subjects, in an honest and open way our society will continue it's path.  Their are people out there struggling with problems in their lives because of sex and they have no one to talk to.


  1. Or just someone a person can trust to answer openly and honestly, with out agenda and with wisdom. Good thoughts Barb, thanks for speaking out. Kathy

  2. I'm not sure what brought about this topic of conversation... There must be something going on somewhere- and once again, I'm the last to know! When it comes to discussions about sex there are really two different "levels". Level 1 is the offhanded comments, the "oh, by the way" questions, and the humorous jokes and stories that we all share, either by telling them, listening to them, forwarding them, etc. Level 2 are those honest, thoughtful discussions about sex, intimacy, sexuality, etc- that rarely ever happen because they require us to be both honest and attentive while talking about some topics that either make us feel uncomfortable, under-educated or lacking in some other way. IF we plan to have a real discussion about sex and things sexual, we ALL must make the decision to get out of our comfort zones and just do it!
