Friday, December 11, 2009

Type of Property I Would Love to Find

Description: This will be another ongoing thing as I firm it up in my mind.
5-20 acres (probably closer to 5)
Mix of cleared and wooded.
Temporary home while we build or at least a place to put a temporary home.
Fencing, at least some.

Where: This is a toughy and may be troubling to same in my family. I will include some reasons, as to why these areas.

Missouri, Phelps County specifically
Dear friend who is alot like me, Military base nearby, college close, beautiful area

Kentucky, within an hour of Fort Campbell
Military base, Near Clarksville which has College, Job base, and alternative healing community

Mississippi, the following counties are possible Marshall, Lafayette, Pontotoc, Union and Calhoun
Dan can stay with current employer, still in Yocona Area Council, Colleges

Cost: As cheaply as I can get away with :) And owner financed or lease to own, 10 years maximum

SO, if you live in these areas and think you know of something, Let me know!

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