Friday, August 26, 2011

Boys Are Home

They don't think they have grown taller, but that I have shrunk :)  Personally, I think it is abit of both!!!

They drove straight thru from Philmont.  I stayed up all night worrying, until they were here.  It took me a couple days to recover from no sleep.  And they should have been able to rest BUT (that inevitable word) we needed to swap bedrooms.  So Daniel, Nick, Nate and Ben are now where the girls were so now Abby and Bethany are in Nick, Nate and Ben's old room.

They still are telling stories when we have time to sit together.  They really had a Great Year out there.  They all made friends that they are planning trips to see each other.  Some are evidently coming here to meet the family (after all we are a strange bunch :)

They have been so blessed by this opportunity to work out there.  Ben is talking about getting more training in Outdoor stuff.  He is applying at Philmont and SeaBase for next year.  Nate plans to apply for HeadRock at Philmont.  Nick well, I really don't know what him and JP will be doing.  They are fixing to leave for a week, job hunting for the winter out west.  Nick will be a traveling man for right now.

It is good to have them home.  I get lots of hugs daily from them.  Which I really can use right now!  And I love hearing the laughter, it makes me smile inside.

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