Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life in General

Many of you may not know, but I had abit of a breakdown in February.
I have been on antidepressants for alittle over 2 months now.  I still am having some bad days but am having more good days.  It would greatly help, if the sun would stay out.  We have been having alot of overcast days and quite a few rainy days.  Of course, when the water table starts dropping; we will want more of those rainy days.
Things at the house are getting done slowly or not at all.  Which is very frustrating to me.
We had a bad storm, it took out our modem, router and we think my onboard internet connector.  So we have a patch job at moment and some of us have a real time getting online.  It is worse than dial-up.  I now understand Daniel's frustration of coming here after being at Ole Miss with high speed :)
Nick, Nate, Ben, Abby, Daniel and JP having been doing alot of going off on weekends.  They have gone climbing a couple times and backpacking and camping.  They are getting Abby ready to go to Philmont this summer.  One of these days I will figure out the picture thing and post some.  Their last trip was up in Clarksville and they stayed with their sister, Jen.  Nick and JP got tattoos on that last trip, Nick an orange carabiner  and JP a green one.  He called and wanted to know if I would be mad.  I told him, "It is your body and your pain".
Speaking of Jen, she is expecting her fifth child in August.  And surprise, surprise it is a boy; after 4 girls.
I had Daniel's boys during spring break, it was good to spend some time with them.  Of course, they make me feel really old.  And their mother tells them I am really old :)
I still need to find employment.  I would love to work at PetSmart in Oxford (Sept to May).  Then have the summer for camp, Bethany and family.
As far as BS Camp, I currently have in my living room habitats: 1 baby box turtle, 2 old men box turtles, 1 juvenile aquatic turtle, 2 leopard frogs, and a baby ring snake.  In addition to the family pets of 1 great dane (who is afraid of thunderstorms), a hamster (who is very personable) and an aviary with 2 cockatiels and 2 finches.  Still need a nice friendly black snake, some lizards, some more frogs and toads.
Well, I got distracted because Daniel and Charlie showed up after his school zoo trip.  So if I think of something else it will just be another post.

1 comment:

  1. Momma Cerveny! You are such a sweet woman...please take care of yourself. I have been on antidepressants for a year now. It gets better, I promise!
