Thursday, April 28, 2011

Governmental Inter"fear"ance

Our founding fathers are surely turning over in their graves!  The tyranny, we fought so hard to get away from is at our door.  Hopefully, me writing this won't bring them to my door literally.
The federal and state governments have gone to far in the last 50 or so years (I have only been alive for 55 so reference without research would be crazy).
Laws and programs and control have been given to people, to literally take over our lives from the day we are conceived. Our government and its programs preceive us as their property (ward's of the state) from the time we are conceived and treat us as such.  Yes, I know hundreds of children have been protected but there are hundreds who didn't need protection.  But they have had their lives disrupted by inter"fear"ance by someone who thought they knew a better way to raise "your" child.
There are many families, who want control of their lives and their children's lives.  God gave us our children after all.  Many parents want to decide where to have their babies and not be threatened that said child will be taken away.  Many parents are having their options on where to birth and with whom they birth limited by laws.  Then when they finally make it through the birthing process, the battle continues.
If you don't vaccinate, you are again persecuted.  And vaccines can be harmful to some people.  I personally had a doctor (immunologist) tell me that had our daughter been vaccinated, she would have died. Another story... another soapbox.
Then they reach what "the state" considers school age.  Then we lose our children from early in the morning to late in the day.  How are we suppose to instill our values when we don't see or have a say in what is taught to them.  Then they get them in school and if you want them, they make it hard to take them out.  Example, tornadoes came through yesterday, my daughter-in-law went and got 1 son from daycare and preceded to go get the other from Kindergarten.  She just wanted to be with her sons and have them close.  After the danger passed, she wanted to take the 1 son from school and was told she couldn't.  Of course, in a not so polite manner, she told them to try and stop her.  Later she got a "canned" message from the superintendent of schools.
So, what if your child gets sick and you prefer to treat them naturally instead of using doctors.  There is someone who always thinks they know what is better for your child and so again you live with governmental inter"fear"ance.
Okay, so you get past the giving birth, the early childhood, the teen years and they are adults.  Then you watch them fight some of the same battles you fought.  Your daughters and granddaughters don't have a right to determine their reproductive rights, because their bodies are not theirs.  They can't find jobs because our country hardly produces anything anymore.  Their rights "supposedly" guaranteed by the constitution are not real like you were taught and they were taught.  So much for "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" or the "right to bear arms against tyranny" or "freedom of speech".  In my humble opinion, what has happened is the "money people", they control our lives by enslaving us at all costs.  At the price of what we eat (genetically engineered products, that is another post) which in turn sends us to the medical community (mind you I am not blaming doctors because there are money people higher than them).  At the price of our country being in debt to other countries and controlling what we use, but us not producing what we need.  Being dependent on fuel from others and not utilizing the technology of alternative energy sources because again it would hurt the "money people".
The people in this country need to wake up and smell the roses (or the sh*t being shoveled). We need to tell our lawmakers NO, we need to tell the "money people" NO!!!  We need to tack back our rights, because many people throughout our history fought and died for those rights.  AND we seem to be handing them over way too easy.
Addendum: Lawmakers you want to earn your money, get rid of the mess and give control back to the people!  And people learn you can't legislate morality and personal lives and quit pushing your will on others!


  1. Seriously? I guess I wont ever say another thing. I thought maybe you would be more open to debate, guess I was wrong.

  2. Daniel, you can post, it just appeared that I upset you. I just couldn't bear that.

  3. You deleting what I said upset me more than anything you could say about vaccines, god, or anything else ever could. That being said, it is your blog and that means you control the content. I would say more, but I cannot get my thoughts more organized than durka durka.

  4. I am sorry about deleting your comments. I just didn't want people to think we were fighting. It is just another part of some the issues I have going on in my life. Love you, son, really I do.
