Monday, May 23, 2011


How do you tell people you love and want to love you the truth, 
what they need to know, what they need to hear?
My last words to my dad were abit harsh.
So I can't bring myself to put myself in that position again.
I don't want people mad at me.
But the stress is killing me.


  1. Pray for the right time. And when you think it is the right time, pray again that they will be receptive and willing to at least listen and have a calm discussion.

    Other than that, unfortunately, I think you just have to keep your thoughts to yourself.

    You also don't need to beat yourself up over things "not said" or things you "have said".

    Love you! Chris

  2. Babs,
    For everyone sake, but especially for your sake, tell them how you are feeling and if they get mad or upset, it will pass and everyone will get on with their life. Stress killed your Dad, not the last words you had with him. He knew that you stilled loved him and he still loved you. We never know when our last words to someone will be spoken, but for your sanity accept what cannot be changed and don't kill yourself by stressing over it. Say to someone what has to be said, I am not saying that they will not be mad and angry, and it might last for a long time. People get over anger. but those words maybe what they need to move on. I am convinced that stress kills more people that a lot of the diseases, and I think you stress a lot. If notting else tell the person or persons, " know that I will always love you but I don't always like you."
    Take care and I love you.

  3. Tracy Perales
    I personally, would rather hear the truth of it from you, even if it comes a bit harsh, instead of realizing that I in any part am adding to your held in stress. Say what needs saying. You raised us all to be strong, we can take it. And when it's all said and done, apologize for your delivery - if necessary - but don't apologize for what you say, as long as it's how you really feel. We love you now, we'll love you tomorrow.

    Your Eldest

  4. Hi,

    I am sorry you are suffering. Here is what I think:

    I will do my children no favors if I don't let them (or make them) do hard things. I didn't do anything hard until adulthood, and I was so ill-prepared!!! Life is hard, and the best thing I can do for my kids is toughen them up so they can handle it. I know if I do things for them, or shelter them, or protect them, I am really doing them a great disservice.

    If anyone can say things with love, you can. I feel that from you every time we talk. Your family loves you and will always love you, even if they don't know it in certain moments.



  5. Tell me the truth. I can take it.
