Sunday, May 1, 2011

Response after thought about comments

This will be a response to the following comments which I deleted.
The reasons I deleted them were as follows:  1.  I thought I truly had upset my son and I currently don't do well with that thought.  2. It was just a reaction to feeling threatened.  I reposted the comments here.  And will respond after them.

Daniel has left a new comment on your post "Governmental Inter"fear"ance": 
Correlation is not causation. Just because Charlie has aspergers and was immunized, does not mean that he has aspergers because he was immunized. 

Barb Cerveny has left a new comment on your post "Governmental Inter"fear"ance":
I am sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. If you would prefer I will take Charlie out of the blog. 

Daniel has left a new comment on your post "Governmental Inter"fear"ance": 
How is that my opinion? Everyone who owns a Hummer is a douche bag. Johnny owns a hummer. Therefore, Johnny is a douche bag. But you and I both know that conclusion to be false. I wasn't stating an opinion, I was challenging a logical fallacy.

As for my opinion, I don't know why Charlie has Aspergers and neither do you. So I am not going to just blame vaccines for it because he received them. He was also born 9 weeks early. He was given steroids before he was born. Allison could have been exposed to something while she was working at Walmart during her pregnancy. There are almost endless possibilities, including vaccines. Show me the studies that prove that vaccines are causative for autism spectrum disorders. Just saying something doesn't make it so. 

I guess I wasn't prepared to debate this issue.  For the most part, I see my blog as a way of posting my feelings, beliefs and opinions.  I don't expect to have to justify them.  I prefer people to research for themselves and form their own opinions.  The problem with giving sources is that the sources I used to form my opinions were in books years ago.  I haven't looked them up in years and I haven't looked them up online.  I will do better and maybe just make a page of sources for my opinions, instead of links on the side since it could get lengthy.
My opinion on studies and stats because I have seen this in research.  Studies and statistics can be used for both sides.  They are numbers and you can't be sure who is providing them or if they really followed the empirical rules.
The other thing about this particular issue and many health issues is I would never want someone subjecting someone to something that could change their lives irreparably or kill them. 

1 comment:

  1. Your comment reply was different. I thought it said something like "That is your opinion and I am ok with that" or something to that effect. Which is why my response started with the opinion question.

    The problem with issues such as this is that there are people on both sides that have an agenda. They are only interested in proving their side right, and damned with the consequences. When I ask for your sources, I really wanted to see what it is that you had read on the subject that caused you to take up your current position. I can research it myself, and in fact, I have researched it for obvious reasons. The reality is that I have not found any studies or data that have convinced me that the correlation between increased diagnosis of ASDs and the administration of vaccines is statistically significant. It is very difficult for me to accept that something is true when there is no hard evidence, and especially when there is other information that is as closely correlated with the increased diagnosis of ASDs.
