Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ride Home from Camp

This will be short but sweet.
Getting away from Camp proved long and arduous.
Dear Raisin (Bradley Aderholt) helped by bringing home a load.
So it was raining when we left camp.  I lead the way.
Oxford is about 30 minutes from Camp, but I took the longer route because I was towing the trailer.
It was predetermined we would stop in Oxford for gas and some dinner (drive thru because of critters).  Just before I got to Oxford, I realized something was crawling on me.
I looked down and my Corn Snake (Jinxy) was crawling down my shirt.  I gently grabbed him and held him for the rest of the drive to Oxford.
So I pull up to the pump and Dan/Raisin pull up to another; Raisin starts coming towards me.  I warned him about Jinxy, because he doesn't like snakes.  So we fill up and I find a container to put him in.
I am sitting waiting for Dan to bring me my dinner and glance down and Tosh (Bethany's hamster) is not in her cage.  So I rode home (30 minutes) with a hamster on the loose in the vehicle.  Tosh was found after our arrival home.
Life is never too dull for me.

1 comment:

  1. That was freakin hysterical. Rachel has a pink ball python that her ziggy named chewy. I can just picture you driving around with jinxy in your shirt. No cross-species breastfeeding now! LOL!
