Friday, January 6, 2012

Family Dynamics and Emotions

Do people who keep all their emotions pent up (ice people) belittle those of us, who freely let go (all be it sometimes maybe more than we should)...
Do they make us feel like we are broke....when reality is we are on opposite sides of the pendulum swing....
It takes all of us to balance out the world.
We let you be who you are so let us be who we are and QUIT telling us
to PULL it TOGETHER!  We pull together what we can, when we can....
Many times the over-emotional are teetering on a fine line and you are probably adding to the problem.
Has happened to compassion, unconditional love???  We are family after all... the world is to full of petty bullshit... and family should be there to support one another...
Let me tell you life is too short for this and one day (it may be in the hereafters) you will regret your actions, as I am sure I will regret a few :?
THIS outburst is dedicated to someone similar to me and I care deeply about!

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